What products you can use to create art that will make you and others marvel and shine
.Etter-Art-Shop: artist supplies and advice with heart
Find out who we are, what we do and why we do it.
Discover what all of this has to do with you and your art.
Experience the Etter Art Shop.

Find out who we are, what we do and why we do it.
Discover what all of this has to do with you and your art.
Experience the Etter Art Shop.

You can currently find these products in the Etter Art webshop:
These are the brands you can currently find in the Etter Art store: Eli-Chem, Viva Decor, Montana, 3M and Etter Art
For these areas you can use our products for example: abstract art, fluid painting, acrylic painting, ink art, formative Art, decorative art, photography or arts and crafts.
What do you wish for your art?
Do you think:
● I need the right products for my art - and want to get some competent advice to take advantage of when I get stuck.
● It's important to me to keep discovering new or innovative things - that inspires me. that inspires me.
● My ideas sometimes can't wait, they have to get out - that's why I attach great importance to short delivery times.
● For me, personal contact also counts - I simply like to know who I'm buying from. who I buy from, that gives me a good feeling.
● When everything is right... my art makes me happy.
If your thoughts sound like this or something like this, you are exactly right in the Etter-Art-Shop.

Be the artist or artist you want to be
We're here for you. Our motivation: we enable people to be artists.
Even you, if you want.
How we do that? By providing you with the appropriate materials and utensils. utensils. By answering your questions. And by we inspire you.
We help you implement your ideas. Ideas that should not wrong material should fail ("no compromises"). Even if "trial and error" is sometimes part of it - because that's how we develop further, this is how we grow.
The developing and growing also applies to us as a company. With
Resin we have started and more and more fantastic products for
Resin art in the assortment
included. Many of our products can
By the way, you can also use for other directions in the art - and
we are expanding our range even further. For many
Forms of art.
For artists like you.