"The Essence of Contrasts": Lastingly impressive contrast art
"The Essence of Contrasts": lastingly impressive contrast art - your online course
Clear and pure - that is "The Essence of Contrasts". This online course focuses on strong contrasts: light and dark, smooth and textured as well as matt and glossy.
All the contrasts combine to form a harmonious whole that makes a strong impression when you look at it. At least that's how we feel about Stefanie Etter's structural art at Etter Art. What do you feel?
On the one hand, the great materials are responsible for the lasting strong impression. And secondly, the striking (non-)colors. This concentration on selected elements is what makes "The Essence of Contrasts" so impressive. A true essence of contrasts.
Are you ready for light/dark, smooth/textured and matt/shiny? Then you're ready for "The Essence of Contrasts"!
Your content in the online course "The Essence of Contrasts"
• 1 Video: Experience how exciting it can be to play with strong contrasts in art.
• 60 Minutes: After just one hour, you will know what types of contrasts you can use to create your own "Essence of Contrasts".
• 1 Handout: for reading, taking notes and as an overview of the materials.
• Discount for the Etter Art Shop: You will receive a 10% discount on everything here in the store.
How to design your "Essence of Contrasts" work - the theory
Which materials are particularly suitable for creating strong contrasts on the painting surface? And what role do colors play in this case? How do you achieve both the harmony and the contrast?
This video course will show you all of this. Experienced artist Stefanie Etter explains in detail what you need to consider and what options you have for this form of structural art: the contrast art. You will be shown options for some of the steps. And every now and then, extra tips for your own "Essence of Contrasts". After all, that is your goal.
This is important for you: This online course is about structures made from resi-CRETE, XL CRACKLE PASTE and facet varnish.
This is what you get in the online course "The Essence of Contrasts" - the practice
• Priming: Learn how to make it part of your artwork. With special tips for a visibly textured surface that becomes the background.
• Different textured materials: Use three different materials for strong contrasts.
• Working with resi-CRETE: The pigmented material that creates a different effect depending on the mixing ratio.
• Working with XL CRACKLE PASTE: Stefanie shows you the triad of priming, applying and coloring. Plus: you'll learn what you need to do to get cracks of different sizes.
• Working with facet varnish: Use this textured medium to create small cracks - as a contrast to the large cracks in the XL CRACKLE PASTE and the smooth surface above. Fun fact: This is not the only area where messy work is required.
• Liven up the background: Acrylic ink and spider spray are used.
• Working on parts of the structures: coloring and creating effects - with oil pastels and sprays, including homemade ones.
• Painting edges: give your work a real frame.
• With or without? Either your work is finished after drying, or you can still work with resin. With resin = more contrasts. But: it's your decision!
• Working with resin: preparatory work, creative work. With clear and with differently colored resin. And even with lacing effects.
• Final: blow-drying away any bubbles and removing foreign bodies.
Perhaps this description has already given you a feel for the " Essence of Contrasts"? And are you looking forward to LightDark, SmoothStructured and MattShiny? Because with all of these details you will create your own "Essence of Contrasts".
It's like the contrast between "yes" and "no". Yes - no - yes - no - yes - yes - yes. Yes! Right?
Questions and answers about the video course "The Essence of Contrasts"
What will I learn with this course?
You will receive all the knowledge you need to recreate Stefanie's example work: how to handle the painting surface, which materials to use and how, and what you should pay attention to in order to achieve the strong and exciting contrasts.
Can I do the course even if I have no experience with the materials mentioned?
You are the best judge of that. How did you feel when you read the description and looked at the photos? If it was a "yes, I want to do it too" feeling, then get started. You'll get everything explained step by step. And you can watch the video several times.
Will I get my money back if I don't like the course?
We do not offer a money-back guarantee on our digital products. Please bear this in mind before making a purchase.
Can I watch the course more than once?
Yes, once, twice - ten times. Or as many times as it takes for you to speak along. You alone decide. The course will remain on our platform for as long as it is technically possible.
Do you also want to reinterpret structural art?
Then the online course "The Essence of Contrasts" is perfect for you.
Because it stands for clear and strong contrast art. First in your head, then on your canvas!
February 6, 2025 17:32
Bin begeistert
Gerne möchte ich meine Begeisterung bzgl. des Selbstlernkurses "The Essence of Contrasts" teilen. Erst im letzten Jahr habe ich mit Kursen in Richtung Acrylfarbe, Spachteltechnik und Resin angefangen. Ich hatte bis zu diesem Kurs auch noch nie mit Strukturmaterialen gearbeitet. Die benötigten Materialien habe ich mir im Etter Art Shop bestellt und dann ging es los. Bevor ich jedoch ins wirkliche Tun gegangen bin, habe ich mir das Video komplett angeschaut. Beim 2. anschauen erstmal nur den Teil um den Hintergrund zu erstellen. Schritt für Schritt erklärt Stefanie wie man vorgehen kann, worauf geachtet werden sollte, wie die unterschiedlichen Strukturmaterialien zu verarbeiten sind und immer wieder auch, was kann ich tun, wenn.... Dann habe ich angefangen und bin schon mit dem erstellten Hintergrund super glücklich gewesen. Einige Tage später habe ich mich dann ans Resin getraut. Genau wie bei den Arbeiten für den Hintergrund habe ich mir auch nochmal das Video angeschaut, damit ich die Schritte richtig umsetzen kann. Nun ist mein Bild fertig und ich bin restlos begeistert. Mein Mann möchte das Bild nun für sein Arbeitszimmer haben. Für mich ein sehr schönes Kompliment. Ich kann den Kurs von Stefanie absolut empfehlen. Man muss sich einfach nur trauen (wenn man Anfänger wie ich ist). Aber ich bin sicher, dass der Kurs auch für fortgeschrittene Künstler spannend ist. Vielen Dank liebe Stefanie für diesen Kurs. Mit Sicherheit wird es nicht mein letzter sein.